Truth? The making and mantaining of an high traffic website requires lots of efforts:
obtaining visibility, making the traffic grow, turn visitors into loyal fans are activities which require lots of energies.
We know it well at Axura, as we have conceived and we manage a site of ours which is among the top 1000 in Italy, and has more than 1 million visitors per month, with peaks at 1,5 millions.
To obtain the resources needed to make our website grow, we choose to enroll in the online revenue program Google AdSense, and we have invested time and resources to get to know it and use it at our best.
The results we achieved? Really interesting, to the point we had the occasion and honour to share our experience with other editors in various encounters organized by Google.
Today, with the availability of the Google Adsense Certified Partner program and our partner status, we can make all of our experience available to other editors and help them achieve more out of their investment in their online property.
How? If you already make use of the Google AdSense services, we can help you optimize its outcome, applying efficiently the best practices.
Else, if you are not yet using Google AdSense to monetize your online properties, we can review them together and find out their true potential, compared to other monetization solutions and help you decide if it fits for you ( which is most often a case!).